Jeremy Vine takes swipe at Truss in lettuce test

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Jeremy Vine tucked into a sandwich filled with the famous lettuce which outlasted Liz Truss as Prime Minister on Friday’s instalment of his Channel 5 news programme. The stunt came after Vine set up a live stream of a lettuce last week to see if it had a longer shelf life than Truss. The Prime Minister resigned on Thursday so Vine ate the leafy vegetable the following morning, but viewers were not impressed. 

Vine got the idea from a story in the Daily Star which shared how the bookies predicted an iceberg lettuce would last longer than Truss’ time in office. 

On Friday’s instalment of Vine’s programme following Truss’ resignation, he said: “This is where it gets sticky for me, because I’m actually going to put some of this lettuce into a sandwich, and I’m going to eat it.” 

“We just take a nice bit of the innards of it – I don’t want anything on the outside, that was looking a little bit furry and unpleasant,” Vine said as he cut into the lettuce. 

After taking a bite, he told viewers: “It’s still lettuce everyone. It survived longer. lt survived longer than Liz Truss, there’s no doubt about that.”

Many viewers took to Twitter to hit out at Vine’s “cruel” decision to eat the lettuce on his current affairs programme.

@DoreenJ6464 penned: “Apart from it being pathetic I think it’s disgusting and should go straight in the bin.” 

@MarkRow24829367 fumed: “Vine you are a total disgrace and nothing but a bully. So-called presenter you should be ashamed of yourself.” (sic)

A furious @Scanlon_Lorna tweeted the show, saying: “A cruel ‘joke’.”

@Lewis62549879 added: “Just when people thought your show couldn’t get any more sad and pathetic.” 

Other Vine viewers found the stunt hilarious, with @Chriswaudby0 quipping: “The lettuce looked like it had a few more days left in it to me Jeremy.”

@HSouthwellFE remarked: “Jeremy Vine using a stunt lettuce to pretend to eat the lettuce that outlasted Liz Truss just about sums up ‘what’ is ‘going on’ in the UK.” (sic) 

It comes after the broadcaster sparked uproar for setting up a live cam for the lettuce in question last Friday. 

He set up the live stream after bookmakers started offering odds of 6/1 that a lettuce would outlast the Prime Minister. 

Truss resigned following just 44 disastrous days in office, triggering the second Conservative leadership election in four months. 

In a brief speech made outside Downing Street, she said: “I recognise that I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.”

She said her successor would be elected by October 27 after a rebellion forced her to step down as the nation’s leader. 

Penny Mordaunt became the first MP to formally announce her candidacy on Friday. 

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has not ruled out a comeback, months after being forced out of office himself. 

Speculation has also been mounting Rishi Sunak will run for leadership after he lost to Truss earlier this year. 

Jeremy Vine’s show airs on weekdays on Channel 5 from 9.15am. 

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