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Viewers were left questioning fashion decisions on Lorraine on Friday morning as Fay Ripley donned green blocks for shoes.

The actress and TV presenter was on the ITV show discussing her comedy podcast with David Baddiel, Baddiel and Ripley’s Buy Leave It or Not.

But many viewers were distracted from the products she was showing (which included a very interesting-looking bottle cleaner) to the products she was wearing.

‘Today’s fashion day,’ Lorraine began, before pointing out the eye-catching shoes.

‘Can we just talk about your shoes?!’

Fay, 56, replied: ‘I’ve got a theory now, at my age, draw the eye away from this and this [motioning to her face and body].

‘So I think of the extremes, hats, glittery gloves, big shoes.

‘It makes everyone go “Hello!”, and then they look down, which is great.’

Although Lorraine agreed Fay’s theory was ‘brilliant’, she asked the question we were all thinking: ‘Are they actually comfy? Can you walk?’

Fay insisted: ‘Yes, they’re so comfy,’ before revealing her matching green toenails to the camera.

‘Attention to detail!’ quipped Lorraine.

However, Fay went on to add: ‘I had a bit of a fall in them, that wasn’t a good look…

‘I have to walk fairly steadily – like a deep sea diver!’

She finished: ‘It’s good when I’m standing still!’

Viewers were just as distracted as Lorraine, with one calling the green shoes ‘bizzare’, and another labeling them ‘Easy ankle breakers.’

#lorraine Easy ankle breakers.

This is just bizarre #Lorraine

Not Faye Ripley wearing green platform slippers on Lorraine #hun

One viewer wrote on Twitter they were ‘so distracted’ by Fay’s ‘awful green massive shoes’, asking the same as Lorraine: ‘How on Earth can she walk’ with laughing face emoji.

Another labelled the ‘deep sea diver’ shoes as ‘ankle-breakers’, with a third calling them ‘platform slippers.’

Lorraine airs weekdays on ITV from 9am.

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