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Maksim Chmerkovskiy has been forced to seek refuge in a bomb shelter in Kyiv amid Russia’s attacks on Ukraine.

The country has come under intense gunfire and bombing since Thursday, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an attack.

Overnight, airfields and gas pipelines appear to have been hit, and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine confirmed that missiles also hit a radioactive waste disposal site near Kyiv.

The Dancing With The Stars professional has now posted clips on his Instagram story from the capital city, insisting that he was staying safe.

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‘Hey everybody, I’m in the bomb shelter, aka a parking lot,’ the 42-year-old began, panning the camera to show cars lined up behind him.

‘A lot of people here that I don’t want to show. I have no idea what I’m doing and I just don’t want to do something that I shouldn’t.

‘I’m safe, I’m in a bomb shelter but Kyiv is under a serious attack from what I understand, from what I heard. 

‘We had a crazy alarm so we all ran downstairs.’

‘As soon as I know something concrete that I check out, I’ll throw it on my feed. Stay tuned but just pray for Ukraine.’

Maks later shared worrying footage from a balcony, where the night sky of Kyiv was illuminated by explosions – but he didn’t reveal whether he had taken the videos himself.

The dancer – who is married to fellow Dancing With The Stars professional Peta Murgatroyd – previously opened up about his fears for the future in a tearful clip, where sirens could be heard blaring below him.

‘Honestly, I’m getting really emotional, it’s been a little difficult. You know me, I stay strong and I don’t show it,’ he added to fans.

‘But I want to go back home. And I realize that I have the way to. I realize that I have a different passport, and my family is far away. What I’m realising is that my friends, whose kids are here and whose moms and dads are here, they can’t just escape.

‘I’m uneasy, I’m very scared, words are… I don’t know what words to use but I do know that at the very least, I have a chance. I have a passport and a way out. 

‘A lot of people here do not, and it’s f**king nonsense.’

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