FACING Valentine’s Day as a singleton? New book Flirtology by Jean Smith tells how to make all the right moves to attract a partner.

Here models Joseph Anthony, 29, and Yasmin Holly, 25, from Hemel Hempstead, Herts, show the dos and don’ts.

STANDING directly facing the other person, with your shoulders open and feet facing towards them is a strong sign that you are interested.

When you approach a stranger, you should wait for an opening in front of them and walk towards them. Never approach them from behind.

Always ensure that your body language is approachable and open.

FOLDING your arms or avoiding eye contact give off poor signals.

The author says: “The first and most effective way to attract people is to look approachable.”

To do this, keep your head up, look around with your arms uncrossed and shoulders open. Crossing your arms makes you look very unapproachable.”

A GENTLE touch on the arm is a classic tool for flirting.

Jean says the key to knowing if someone is flirting is the acronym HOTAPE.

They will use Humour, have Open body language and may give you the occasional Touch on your arm.

The other signs are paying you Attention, close Proximity to you, and Eye contact.

INVADING the other person’s space is a big flirting fail.

You should stand close enough to ask them a question but not to be able to “identify the brand of their laundry detergent.”

Don’t crowd them out or squeeze in too close and make them feel uncomfortable.

This will definitely have a negative impact on your chances.

DON’T study your phone to help with your nerves if you find yourself alone at a bar or party.

The phone might be a crutch, but Jean says it isn’t fooling anyone and looking down signals you’re not interested in meeting anyone new.

“You may think it is helping you not to look desperate,” she writes. “But in fact it only closes you off to opportunities.”



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IF you’re in a situation where you might meet new people, resist the temptation to sit down.

It makes you appear smaller and chances to socialise will be limited. Plus you will be trapped talking to whoever comes your way.

To maximise your chances, you need to be stood in the centre of the room, not sitting in a dark corner.

  • Flirtology by Jean Smith is £12.99 (Bantam Press)

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