MISSING Heidi Planck died from a prescription drug overdose at a wild strippers and crypto gambling party and panicked revellers disposed of her body through the trash chute, it has been sensationally claimed. 

Bookkeeper Heidi, 39, disappeared in highly mysterious circumstances after attending her 11-year-old son’s flag football game in Los Angeles on October 17. 

Cops have been searching for almost two weeks at a landfill site in Castaic, some 50 miles north of a building where Heidi was last seen on CCTV cameras with her dog Seven in Downtown LA.

Officers have said they found evidence at the Hope + Flower apartment building which led them to believe Heidi is dead.

It is understood they were led to the Chiquita Canyon landfill because it is used by the waste disposal company working at the apartment building dumps its trash.

Now internet sleuths who have been investigating the case claim to have solved the riddle of what happened to Heidi.

Dawn Heim, 50, who has worked 21 years as a paralegal in LA and co-hosts the Mau & Boots – True Crime in Real Time show on YouTube, made the bombshell claim on Friday.

The mom-of-four told The Sun she thinks she may have cracked the case after visiting Hope + Flower on Wednesday with the godmother of Heidi’s son to tend to a vigil site erected nearby by her friends and family.


Whilst there, they were approached by a woman who lives in the building and who the godmother had spoken with before. 

The woman asked them to come into the building to help fix a flat tire on her Maserati car through Dawn’s AAA. 

Dawn was left stunned when the woman eventually claimed that she had witnessed Heidi die from an overdose after taking anti-ADHD drug Adderall laced with fentanyl at a party on the 40th floor.

The alleged eyewitness also claimed that she came face to face with Heidi’s dead body in the trash chute after it got stuck on the 28th floor. 

And in yet another bizarre twist to the tale, Dawn says the witness later “flipped out” when she and Heidi’s friend tried to leave and sucker-punched Dawn from behind, leaving her with a concussion. 

Dawn told The Sun: “I was told that Heidi went down there to see someone she had been dating who lives in the building and get some Adderall from him. 

“There was a huge party up on the 40th floor so she dropped her dog off with a dog sitter, apparently she had done the same before. 

“So she was up at this really big party and they were gambling with cryptocurrency, there were a lot of drugs and strippers and they had bought a stripper pole up there and they had a DJ.

She was up at this really big party and they were gambling with cryptocurrency, there were a lot of drugs and strippers and they had bought a stripper pole up there and they had a DJ.

“I was told by several people that Heidi got her extra Adderall from this boyfriend and that she was addicted to Adderall but nothing else. 

“She did not do any other drugs but they told me the Adderall was laced with fentanyl. 

“I was told that she OD’d in the middle of the dance floor, fell down and broke a glass that she had in her hand.  

“A group of people tried to revive her but they couldn’t and they got scared because there was a lot of illegal stuff going on in that apartment that night. 

“So a bunch of them took her out and put her in the garbage chute and pushed her down. 

“The girl who was telling me this was there, saw it happen and she heard Heidi fall down the chute but didn’t hear her stop (at the bottom).

“She said she went to check the chutes down to the 28th floor and when she opened the door to the trash chute on the 28th floor she saw Heidi was stuck there. 

“When she opened the door Heidi fell a little bit and was staring her in the face. 

“The woman told me this in front of three other people who work in the building and they were like ‘Yeah, that’s what happened’.   

“She also shared videos and a pic which I was told show the party in the aftermath of Heidi losing consciousness.” 


Dawn clarified that the man who Heidi was allegedly dating at the building is not her Mark Zuckerberg charity executive boyfriend mentioned in previous reports, Na’eem Salaam.

One of the video clips she referred to – which The Sun has seen but is not publishing at Dawn’s request – appears to show a woman in a bra and thong with high heel boots clearing something away on the floor below a stripper’s pole. 

The pic shows what looks like a nightclub style scene in a darkened room with blue lights, a woman apparently holding a trash bag and what appears to be a DJ in the background. 

It is time stamped to “Sunday – 11:41am” matching the day of the week that Heidi was last seen but not the time, which would have been around 10pm rather than in the morning. 

A second video clip shows what appear to be half a dozen or so scantily-clad young women in the same room as that shown in the picture.

There is no sign of Heidi in either the videos or the photo and The Sun has not been able to independently verify whether they were taken at Hope + Flower. 


Dawn – who runs her true crime YouTube channel with co-host Maureen Green plus a team of 15 other people who investigate high profile crimes – explained the bizarre chain of events which led to the eyewitness’s “confession”.

After helping to fix the woman’s tire she invited them up to a happy hour gathering in the common area of the building on level eight. 

Dawn said: “She started talking and she goes ‘You know, it’s just so sad’. I said ‘I know, it’s heartbreaking and I hope they find something soon’. 

“She goes ‘Well, you know, I have ADHD and that’s where I get my Adderall'. And that’s how the whole conversation started.

“I straight out asked her ‘Do you know what happened?’ and she just started telling me everything.”

Dawn said that an off-duty concierge who used to date the eyewitness approached them during the conversation and asked what they were talking about. 

The pair started bickering amongst themselves and the argument moved outside of the common room to the hall area. 


Dawn said it escalated to the point where a building manager and a security guard came over.

“All three of them were telling her that she should not be talking about it and she was starting to get physical,” Dawn explained. 

“She was punching the concierge in the chest and the arm so my dumb ass stepped in and at that point she pushed me out of the way. 

“My friend [the godmother] was like ‘We need to go’ and she [the eyewitness] kind of socked her in the stomach.”

Eventually Dawn and her friend made their way to the elevator but the eyewitness got in with them and was telling them “You guys can’t leave, I’m doing this for you guys, how could you guys leave me right now?”

All three of them were telling her that she should not be talking about it and she was starting to get physical.

As Dawn and the godmother made their way out of the building the eyewitness allegedly sucker-punched Dawn in the back of the head “very, very hard”, leaving her “seeing stars”.

Dawn went for a CT scan the next day which found that she had suffered a concussion and also spoke with police but says she is not sure if she will be pressing charges over the attack.

Heidi’s ex husband Jim Wayne, who was the first to report her missing, told The Sun that he does not know anything about the claims but that he has been told by the LAPD that up to five people know what happened to Heidi. 

Jim said: “I don’t know anything about it, I really don’t. I spoke to the detective this morning and they said they were bringing in some different equipment in the landfill and that was it.”

An LAPD spokesman told The Sun that there was no further update other than to say that the search at the landfill is still ongoing.

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