Horoscopes: Expert offers advice to This Morning callers

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Libra, December is a chance to get involved with your community and learn new things. You’re going to be the ultimate social butterfly and will find yourself saying yes to all sorts of activities throughout December. Express.co.uk chatted to astrologer, cosmic coach, crystal healer and founder of the Moon Child Sorority, Bex Milford (@cosmic_cures on Instagram) to find out the Libra December horoscope for 2021.

The Solar Eclipse on December 4 is a chance to think about how you engage with your local community and neighbourhood, Libra.

You’ll also be presented with opportunities for change via technology.

Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons, and the Sun and Moon will both be next to the South Node in Sagittarius.

This is also known as one of the ‘Nodes of Fate’ and so we can expect to notice events and situations arriving around this time that will have a huge effect on how 2022 plays out.

You’re going to be a busy bee at the start of this month, Libra.

Bex said: “Since the Solar Eclipse is occurring in your third house, the focus for you is on communication.

“This is likely to be a very busy period for you, and you could find yourself running a lot more errands for people, being on the road or travelling more than normal, or having a flurry of emails arriving in your inbox.

“Your energy promises to be high though, so you’ll enjoy the busy pace of it all!”

The start of the month is all about networking and saying yes to invitations.

Bex said: “Contacts you make during the start of this month could reveal messages or opportunities that set things in motion for an exciting new year ahead.
“Be vigilant about what invitations arrive around December 4 and treat them all as possible signs!

“You might also be offered the chance to immerse yourself more solidly in your neighbourhood by joining a group or connecting with the community, so consider saying yes when asked if you want to become more active.”

Sagittarius rules teaching and broadening our horizons via education, so with the Sun in Sagittarius you may be asked to actively share your wisdom with others.

Or, you might discover a chance to level up your learning via your local area or social media.

Bex added: “When Mars moves into Sagittarius on December 13, this amplifies the desire to increase your skillset.

“You’ll want to throw yourself into projects with fiery enthusiasm, and have a keen desire to learn something new or connect with a mentor or advisor.

“This can also be linked to your spiritual and philosophical viewpoint, so any chance to bounce ideas around with others is encouraged!”

The Full Moon on December 19 lights up your ninth house, and issues of faith and personal beliefs come to the surface.

Bex said: “Your morals might be tested, or you may find you have to stand by your principles in a way that makes you really consider your code of ethics.

“Full Moons often signal a chance to shed our limiting beliefs.

“This lunar phase may reveal a unique opportunity to rid yourself of any unwanted thoughts that have been holding you back from sharing your unique viewpoints with the world.

“This is a chance to really trust your instinct and finish the year confident in the message you’re taking into 2022!”

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