Dr. Jill Biden was the subject of a condescending and downright disrespectful Wall Street Journal op-ed on Friday. Writer Joseph Epstein argued that the future first lady should “think about dropping” her “Dr.” title because she’s not a medical doctor and “‘Dr. Jill Biden’ sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic.”

Epstein goes as far (and low) as to call Biden “kiddo” and refers to the title of her dissertation as “unpromising.”

Anyway, it wasn’t long before droves of Biden’s fans and colleagues defended her and her well-deserved doctorate on social media.

On Sunday evening Biden herself appeared to respond to the divisive op-ed. “Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished,” she tweeted.

Damn right. Biden’s forever a Doctor in this house (and, technically, every single other one, too). 

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