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You can learn a lot about your personality and habits from astrology. Some signs, especially the Earth signs, are known for being loyal and reliable. Other signs, such as the Air signs, are considered flaky and unpredictable. Which star sign is most likely to cheat on their partner? chatted to sex and relationship expert Jessica Leoni from Illicit Encounters to find out the statistics.

The star signs most likely to cheat on their partner

Illicit Encounters is the UK’s top affairs dating site with 120,000 married members all signed up for the same reason

Looking at the star signs of these members is revealing, and might give us a hint of which signs are the least faithful.

The study revealed that certain zodiac signs are more inclined to cheating than others

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Libras are the most likely to stray, with 16 percent of the site’s members born under this constellation.

This airy sign – represented by the scales – is very indecisive and would rather cheat than have a confrontation.

Libras will cheat because they’re missing something in the relationship and would prefer to go behind your back and keep the peace than bring it up.

This doesn’t mean Libras won’t feel bad about their deception, it will eat them up inside and they will eventually crack from the guilt.

Michaela a Libra using the site said “I first cheated on my husband, with a work colleague, at a Christmas party five years ago. It was such a rush, having this dirty little secret.

“Nowadays I only cheat with married men – that way you both stand to lose a lot, and are less likely to get caught.

“I’m never going to leave my husband, but I just can’t help that I am much more adventurous and need more sex then he does.”

The second most likely sign to commit adultery is two-faced Gemini.

A shocking 14 percent of Illicit Encounters members are Geminis, symbolised by the twins.

Gemini is known for its duality, and this translates into their love lives.

Gemini needs a different person to fulfil the needs of its multiple personalities!

Cecilia a Gemini using the site said “I have always felt that monogamous relationships are a thing of the past.

“Me and my husband both date other people, but we are each other’s primary relationship.

“We absolutely adore each other, and would never leave our marriage – but we both feel that variety is important in life.”

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Capricorns are third on the list of cheaters, with 12 percent of members belonging to this zodiac sign.

Even though Capricorn is the father sign of the zodiac who is extremely committed when it comes to work, this sign might cheat.

Capricorns don’t simply cheat because they want to, they will cheat when they feel unappreciated or if you have cheated first.

Taureans, a fellow earth sign, following closely behind with 11 percent of members having this sign.

This sign is known for being extremely loyal, so also would only cheat if they fell out of love or suspected you were unfaithful.

Pisces and Aries are very unlikely to cheat, with only six percent of members being Pisceans and five percent being Aries.

Pisces is known for being dreamy and romantic, but they want you to be just as loving and gushy.

Aries is another fiercely loyal sign, but it is ruled by Mars the planet of action and sex- if they cheat it will be a sexual transgression that was a mistake.

Sagittarians and Aquarians both make up four percent of the site, so you’re in safe hands with these signs.

Sagittarians fall in love easily and hate breaking up, but they’d rather end it than cheat.

Aquarians are the humanitarians of the zodiac and although they may neglect their partner, they wouldn’t go behind their back.

Only three percent of the affairs site’s members are Scorpios.

Scorpios are very secretive but too loyal to cheat.

Although some Scorpios may cheat due to their own emotional problems or fear of intimacy, this is very rare.

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