Olivia Jade Giannulli was an open book during her appearance on Tuesday’s Red Table Talk. The 21-year-old daughter of Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli sat down with Jada Pinkett Smith as well as Jada’s mother, Adrienne Banfield-Jones, and Jada’s 20-year-old daughter, Willow, and broke her silence on her headline-making college admissions scandal.

Read on for everything Olivia Jade revealed about how the scandal unfolded, her parents’ intentions and how her family is learning and moving on from the experience.

She reached out to Jada:

Jada landed the big interview of Olivia Jade breaking her silence because Olivia Jade actually reached out to her.

“She called and wanted to come to our table and we all had very different feelings about it,” Jada admitted, before noting her mother was very much against giving Olivia Jade a platform to speak.

Adrienne noted, “I found it really ironic that she chose 3 Black women to reach out to for her redemption story. I feel like here we are, a white woman coming to Black women for support when we don’t get the same from them. It’s bothersome to me on so many levels. Her being here is the epitome of white privilege to me.”

For her part, Olivia Jade said she wasn’t on Red Table Talk to make excuses, but rather, to apologize for her actions and stress that she is going to do better.

“I think that this has been a really eye-opening experience for me, and although there is a lot of negative around it and a lot of mistakes and wrongdoings, it’s led me to have a completely different outlook on a lot of situations,” she said. “I also felt like I wanted to be somewhere where I didn’t feel, like, attacked, and maybe I could feel more understood. I have watched the show and I think you guys are all amazing and it feels really safe. But it also feels honest and it feels like we are gonna all lay it out here and it’s going to be an open conversation, which is really important to me as well.”

“I think what was important was for me to come here and say I am sorry,” she also said. “I acknowledge what was wrong and I wasn’t able to say that for so long, so I think people almost thought, ‘Oh, she must not care, that must have not affected her and she was not moved by that.’ I took my privilege and all my blessings for granted and I never thought anything of it and that’s what really wrecked me. This is wrong, you need to talk about this, you need to do it publicly because the situation was public and then you need to move forward and do better.”

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