Teachers heading back to NYC schools are tackling COVID-19 on their own — by asking for donations so they can stock up on protective gear.

Not trusting the city to keep them infection-free, some teachers are pleading for masks, hand sanitizers and thermometers on sites like Donors Choose, where teachers normally request cash for books and educational projects.

“It’s definitely not normal for teachers to go on Donors Choose, GoFundMe or Amazon Wish List to ask for clearing supplies,” said Annie Tan, a special-ed teacher in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

Mayor Bill de Blasio is resisting calls by the principals’ and teachers’ unions, and the City Council’s education chairman, Mark Treyger, to delay the school reopening to better gird against spreading the virus.

But with the Sept. 10 starting date fast approaching, educators say the DOE has not given them enough information about what equipment and supplies it will provide for safety and sanitation.

“They’ve given us assurances that they’re ready. They’re clearly not,” Tan said.


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