This is such a sad story. 

Two young sisters, Scout and Chasey Scaravilli, 14 and 12 years old respectively, were killed last week in an incident involving a hammock outside their home in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. 

The girls were apparently lying together in the hammock, which was tied to a tree on one side and a brick pillar on the other. Unfortunately the pillar was not as strong as it appeared — it collapsed, pulled by the string right on top of them.

The girls were removed from beneath the bricks and taken to a nearby hospital but sadly passed away hours later on June 14. 

One could understand how someone would be wracked with guilt over the incident, but thankfully their father is not facing that additional torture. JJ Scaravilli told local NBC affiliate WKYC:

“I don’t blame anybody, I don’t blame myself, I don’t blame those girls. I looked at it 100 times. I never thought a brick pillar would come down like that — it was never in my mind.”

The sisters are survived by JJ, their mother Heidi, and their younger twin sisters Coco and Cassidy

In Scout and Chasey’s obituary, their mother described them as “close as any sisters could be.” Scout was remembered as a “selfless, nurturing ‘second mother’” who brought the family together. Chasey was called a “firecracker” and a “creative and magical soul.”

Younger sister Cassidy recalled sneaking into Chasey’s closet because she “had the best style,” while Coco said of Scout: 

“I’ll always remember that Scout had a beautiful face, but also a beautiful soul.”

According to the obituary: 

“Scout, 14, and her sister Chasey, 12, spent their last moments together cuddling side by side on a breezy springtime evening. And while they are no longer physically with us, everyone who knew them knows that their spirits could never be diminished. … Scout and Chasey cared deeply for everyone they knew, and their parents take comfort in knowing that they will always be wrapped in each other’s arms.”


A socially-distant Celebration of Life ceremony was held in memory of the sisters over the weekend. In lieu of flowers, the Scaravilli family asked that donations be made to the Scaravilli Memorial Fund at Hathaway Brown School, the all-girls private school attended by both Scout and Chasey in Shaker Heights, OH. 

Their father summed up the loss of his daughters by saying:

“They were charming. They were sweet. They were powerful. They were adored.”

We can’t imagine what a devastating loss this must be. We’ll be keeping the Scaravilli family in our thoughts.

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