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Big Bang Theory viewers enjoyed witnessing the main characters in the CBS show grow and evolve over the 12 seasons of the award-winning sitcom. While main character Sheldon Cooper (played by Jim Parsons) divulged many aspects of his character, other members of the group did not show off too much of their character.

Howard Wolowitz (Simon Helberg) was perhaps the most outspoken member in the team of nerds.

Although nobody in the group is particularly good at being social, Howard has always given it a good try.

Because of this he found himself delving into a number of different cultures and groups.

With this in mind, viewers have been speculating over some of the skills he has garnered over the years.


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Speaking out about some of Howard’s linguistic skills, Reddit user doubleoh72 announced: “Howard Wolowitz is actually a tetraglot (Fluent in 4 languages).”

The fan went on to elaborate, saying: “He is fluent in Russian, English, Klingon and Sign.”

This aspect of Howard’s life is quite impressive, as he has not only mastered three languages, but also a fictional one – Klingon – from Star Trek.

However, the fan did go on to add that Howard did have a huge blind spot in his linguistic skills.

They added: “Not counting Chinese cause I’m Chinese and he’s not really that good. If you count that, he is a polyglot.”

Howard is certainly a smart man, and this has been proved a few times over the course of the show’s 12 seasons, so despite failing at learning Chinese, he still managed to learn a number of languages.

In particular, Howard was involved in a number of space shuttle launches with NASA.

Despite this, Howard is looked down upon by his peers as one of the dumber members of the team, even though he knew so many languages.

Could Howard have found himself in a better position in the group if he had spoken up about his language skills?

Meanwhile, Amy Farrah-Fowler star Mayim Bialik recently spoke out about the show as a whole.

Whilst speaking to Metro, Mayim explained she had never seen the show – despite spending multiple years working on it.

She explained: “I’ve never seen most of the episodes.

“I don’t watch myself on television. I’ve never sat and watched an episode of our show, ever.”


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Mayim went on to add: “I think it’s a really beautiful example of what unconditional love really looks like.‘There was a lot of give and take, it wasn’t just her tolerating him, he also had to make a lot of adjustments and changes.”

Mayim explained: “There was a lot of give and take, it wasn’t just her tolerating him, he also had to make a lot of adjustments and changes.

“I think the fans also had some confusion about that – why does Sheldon want a girlfriend in the first place? It took us nine years to figure that out and I think our writers did a beautiful job with finding that balance.”

The Big Bang Theory is available on Netflix.

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