OK, I just found I'm having a boy! The three psychics were right including Sally Morgan, celebrity psychic herself. She called it was a boy and it is a boy!

I wasn’t expecting a boy, I genuinely thought it was going to be a girl. I don’t think it has sunk in!

I have no boys names, I know nothing about boys and boys bodily functions and baby boys, but I am actually really excited.

I am looking forward to a brand new chapter and having a little baby boy and bringing a wonderful human being onto this planet because he is a true gift!

Before finding out she is set to welcome a son, Nadia told us:

"I am currently in the car en route to the gender reveal, I’m feeling extremely nervous. I am as per usual running late.

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I think the baby must know that something is happening because it’s like fizzing in my belly for sure.

I obviously thought the whole pregnancy that it would be a girl, but the last three days in a row I have have, for some reason, bumped into psychics and each psychic has told me that I’m having a boy.

So I’ve spent the last three days trying to get my head around the fact that it could be a boy.

And actually I have a feeling in my belly that it probably is a boy.

Even though all the symptoms and all the signs have said its a girl – it’s Sod’s Law!

So in about a half an hour I am going to find out and at the moment the overwhelming feeling is nervousness because once I find out the gender it’s actually real – I’m going to give birth to another human being and that scares the living daylight out of me!

That's all from me for now, but stay tuned for my next baby update.

Nadia xxx

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