TheDuggar girls are taught that they are not the heads of their households.That distinction goes to their husbands, according to thefamily’s cultural beliefs. While they may leave a lot of the decisionmaking up to their husbands, some fans think some of the Duggar girls have abit more power than you’d probably expect. So, which Duggar girls are in chargeof their family? The answer might surprise you.

Jessa Duggar is in the driver’s seat

Jessa Duggar has followed a pretty traditional life plan. She married young and quickly began having children. Now the mother of three, most would think that Jessa acquiesces to her husband at every turn, but Jessa has a lot of power in her marriage, mostly because her family is in complete control of the finances.

Jessa and Ben Seewald are currently living in a house ownedby her parents. Ben is employed byJim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and much of the family’s TV money is allegedlyhandled by Jim Bob. In short, Jessa’s family is way more involved in the couple’slife than Ben’s family, and are far more powerful. Jessa also isn’t shy about sayingit like it is, meaning fans assume she probably has more power in the relationshipthan Ben.

Jill Duggar might be in control of more than you think

Jill Duggar might be a pretty traditional woman. She waiteduntil her wedding day to kiss her husband, and sheseems somewhat fulfilled caring for her young sons at home, but she might havemore power in her household than most would have expected. In fact, Jill may beentirely responsible for the health and well-being of her family, including herhusband.

Jill is currently the breadwinner in her house. With her husband,Derick Dillard, entrenched in law school studying, Jill has taken to the internetto bring her family some much-needed cash. Jill is currently working as asocial media influencer and has a reasonably successful blog.  Sure, Derick is trying to pull in some cashwith his GrubHubgig, but that’s likely nowhere enough money for the family to live. Jill islikely bringing in way more cash, which probably gives her more power than mostwould think she has.

Jinger is the least likely to be in control of her relationship

While Jill and Jessa Duggar appear to be in the driver’s seatwhen it comes to their marriages, one sister seems to be happy going along fora different kind of ride. JingerDuggar was once considered the rebel of the family, and while she’s donesome rebellious things, it appears her marriage is likely the most traditional.

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Jeremyand Jinger have figured out a way to live independently from the Duggar clan.Jeremy appears to be in control of all jobs deemed masculine, and Jinger iskeeping things traditional, too. Sure, she wears pants and even sports dyedhair, but she is entrusted with caring for the family’s daughter at home, whileJeremy studies and makes ends meet for the family. Jinger might be the Duggargirl who is actually independentof her parents, but that doesn’t mean she’s completely independent.  

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