Rachel Lindsay is opening up about her feud with fellow Bachelor Nation alum and former best friend Raven Gates — and addressing Colton Underwood’s comments on social media about the women’s falling out, calling them “petty.”

Speaking on the Whit & Ry YouTube series, Lindsay, 34, said that she was confused when she saw Underwood comment, “Shocker. Rachel mad at another person… does she like anyone?” on a post about the end of her friendship with Gates.

“I hate that the Raven thing is getting so much attention,” Lindsay said. “Honestly, my intention — I’ve never brought it up, if I’m asked about it, I respond. And I just think it garnered so much attention because you saw that she wasn’t at the wedding, so people started asking questions why.”

“And I was very matter-of-fact in how I answered it because I honestly thought people would say, okay, they’re not friends, and move on. And instead, it just took a life of its own and that was honestly never my intention. I just thought if I [was] very direct, people would put a pin in it. And instead, it just blossomed.”

Lindsay is referencing a recent appearance on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, where she was asked by a fan calling in why she and Gates’ friendship was over.

Lindsay said that she promised not to reveal the reason behind their friendship break-up, but told Cohen that she “never will be” friends with Gates, 28, again.

Back on the Whit & Ry interview, Lindsay said that Underwood, 27, weighing in on the fall-out didn’t help the media storm following her comments.

“What didn’t help is Colton commenting, and, you know, I would actually love for Colton to come on the podcast [that she hosts with Ali Fedotowsky-Manno] because what I’m not gonna do is entertain you in the comments section of somebody else’s post,” Lindsay said. “What I will do is have a grown — can I curse? — what I will do is have a grown-ass conversation with you, and we can talk about it.”

Lindsay also addressed another comment that Underwood made shortly after the first one about a conversation she had with his girlfriend Cassie Randolph.

“I’m not weighing in on the Rachel/Raven drama. I could care less about that, not my business,” Underwood commented, according to US Weekly. “What is my business is the countless number of times she’s spoke poorly of me… including that time she ran her mouth about me to Cassie… Funny thing is I have never met her.”

Rachel Lindsay, Colton Underwood, Raven Gates

Lindsay said that she doesn’t “appreciate” Underwood’s “accusations” that she “ran her mouth.”

While Lindsay pointed out that Randolph follows her on Instagram and that when they met at a dinner event in July, they “partied the night away” together and she “had a fantastic time,” she did recall Randolph saying to her, “Oh, I know you don’t like Colton.”

“I remember saying, ‘I mean, I’m just indifferent, I don’t believe I have to be best friends with everybody just because we all come from the same TV show.’ I said, ‘my thing has always been with Colton, I don’t think I ever really knew who he was, and so I just wish I got to understand the real him.'”

Rachel Lindsay

“I just wish he would more so be himself on camera because people constantly tell me he’s totally different off-camera,” Lindsay said, adding that Randolph “agreed with me.”

“So I was like, I don’t understand why he thinks that I was ‘running my mouth.’ And if I was ‘running my mouth,’ like I said at the beginning, why is she following me on Instagram if I said something so bad?”

Lindsay added that she offered Randolph advice on how to navigate career opportunities after the Bachelor, which the 24-year-old reality star seemed to take well — the two even snapped a selfie together that night, Lindsay said. “So I’m so confused as to why he [Underwood] thinks I ran my mouth.”

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