DEAR DEIDRE: THE special bond I always had with my late husband’s nephew has developed into love. We would like to take it to the next level but my daughter disapproves.

I am 52 and single. I separated from my daughter’s father, who was 20 years older than me, eight years ago. He got involved with a younger woman he met online, then he married her and she got all his money when he died last year.

His nephew is my age and is not a blood relative.

I can’t see a problem with us getting together, as we’d like to, but my daughter can.

She is 27 and is very bitter about what happened with her father. Should I continue to see this guy and allow our feelings to develop? Or should I stay away to keep the peace?

The last thing I need is a family feud. She is all the family I have left.

DEIDRE SAYS: Talk to your daughter. Say you understand how hurtful it was to see her dad have his head turned, but that the situation is very different between her dad’s nephew and yourself.

Spell it out that it wouldn’t lessen your love for her.

But don’t sound like you are asking her permission. You are an adult and must live your own life.

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