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I read Margaret Cho’s “25 Things You Don’t Know About” list in US Magazine and was surprised to learn a few things about her, one being that she’s very allergic to dust mites. I’ve heard of people being allergic to dust mites, but I didn’t realize there were people who had to vacuum every few hours. That sounds miserable unless you could just have a bunch of Roombas do it for you. Margaret also said that she listens to podcasts a lot. Here’s more:

1. I bake great bread, and bring it to friends.

2. I’m actually Chinese, which I found out after many years of believing I was fully Korean.

3. I speak Korean pretty well.

4. Lisa Ling and I are cousins.

5. I used to be in a children’s singing group before I started doing stand-up at 14.

6. I’m extremely allergic to dust mites so I vacuum every few hours when I’m at home.

10. I listen to podcasts, music or audiobooks [nonstop] when I’m not working. The only time I’m silent is during meditation.

11. I talk to my cats and dogs all day long about what we are listening to.

23. I’m trying to only wear sustainable fashion, whether it’s upcycled clothing, secondhand, vintage or even my own things. I have worn certain pieces for decades.

25. Many of my tattoos are unfinished because they just hurt too much!

[From US Magazine]

Margaret is an interesting person and I could relate to a few things she shared. I love thrift shopping for clothing and save items forever too. I also like baking bread for people! Here’s a recipe that’s so easy to follow. Why is she getting new tattoos if they’re so painful that she doesn’t get them finished? I only have two and they both hurt like a bitch so I haven’t gotten any more. Mine are small though, it looks like hers are big and require multiple sessions. So I guess she doesn’t go back to get them completed.


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A post shared by Margaret Cho (@margaret_cho)

Look at her cats! She must have the sphynx breed because they’re hypoallergenic. I’ve heard they’re really cuddly cats.


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