VLADIMIR Putin has claimed Russia has the “best” prostitutes in the world during his first public comments about Donald Trump’s ‘dirty dossier’.

The widely discredited document contained lurid allegations against the President-elect relating to an unspecified stay at a Moscow hotel.

The Russian President branded the salacious claims as “nonsense” and said the dossier was “an obvious fake” during a press conference, reports the Sputnik news agency.

He also called those who leaked the document “worse than prostitutes” who have “no moral limits”.

But during the news conference in the Kremlin, Putin also made bizarre remarks about the quality of his country’s call girls.

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Speaking about Trump, he said: "He arrived here and immediately ran off to meet Moscow prostitutes?"

"This is an adult and, moreover, a man who for many years has organised beauty contests.

“He socialised with the most beautiful women in the world. I can hardly imagine he rushed to the hotel to meet our girls of lower social responsibility – even though they are the best in the world, of course."

Putin also blasted those behind the dossier which was allegedly written by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele.

He said: “Prostitution is an ugly social phenomenon.

"But people who order such fakes which are now used against the elected President of the United States, fabricate information and use it in the political struggle, they are worse than prostitutes, they have no moral limits.

"Our security services do not chase every US billionaire."

The Russian president added: "Trump when he came to Moscow (in 2013)… was not any kind of political figure does anyone think that our special services chase every American billionaire?

"Of course not, it's just completely ridiculous."

Website Buzzfeed was roundly blasted for publishing the unverified and salacious 'dirty dossier' last week.

The document is a 35-page report consisting of memos compiled before and after the November 8 election.

It was written by former British spy Steele, 52, who fled his Surrey home soon before his identity was made public.

He is apparently now in hiding after becoming “terrified for his safety” after he was named in the US.

Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov called Steele a "runaway swindler" who trades in "absurdities."

The 52-year-old's research which was initially funded by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats.

He is the director of Orbis Business Intelligence, based in West London.

A furious Trump, who will be inaugurated on Friday, let rip at a press conference following the report's coverage, slamming it as "fake news".

He said: “Does anyone believe that story? I’m also a germaphobe, by the way. Believe me.

“I think it is a disgrace that information was let out. It is all fake news. It is phony stuff. It didn’t happen."

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