Ranvir Singh opens up about own experience with assault

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Ranvir Singh has fronted new ITV documentary Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile which airs on Tuesday evening. Speaking ahead of its broadcast, the Good Morning Britain host explained it prompted her to open up about her own experience of sexual assault.

Ranvir, who waived her right to anonymity, recalled how she revealed she was assaulted at the age of 12 when she spoke to contributor and sexual assault survivor Lisa Phillips.

She told hosts Richard Madeley and Susanna Reid: “She’s on Zoom and I’m in the UK and I can’t physically comfort her in any way and it was just an instant thing.

“I felt quite a shocking sense of empathy with what she was describing.

“And I was acutely aware we were on camera but it’s a human to human experience when someone’s telling you something so painful.

“I did say to her, ‘Something happened to me when I was 12 and I understand you shouldn’t feel guilty about not…’”

Ranvir broke down as she became emotional recalling the moment.

“Do you know what, I’ve only ever told two people in my life,” the mother of one said.

“And in the last two weeks, I’ve had to tell family members.”

“So it’s just a bit odd, because it’s not something you generally talk about.”

The host was unsure if she should leave the moment in the documentary but ultimately decided it should stay.

Richard praised her decision: “All credit to you for reaching that very personal decision.”

In the documentary, Ranvir explains to viewers her abuser is now dead.

“It happened once and that person is dead and so I have an understanding of what it’s like and why you would never want to speak of it again,” she says.

Many of those watching Good Morning Britain took to Twitter to praise Ranvir.

Nicola Wilson-Bord posted: “I’ve always admired Ranvir as an exceptional journalist, but this morning, wow, your strength is an inspiration to everyone.

“I’m so sorry you went through something so horrendous. Much love.”

Angela Coulter shared: “I am so sorry that happened to you Ranvir, I look forward to seeing the documentary tonight.”

Tony tweeted: “I admire your bravery and honesty in revealing your experience. Those who have experience this will understand how difficult this was for you..”

Julie Daniels added: “You are such a brave lady, Ranvir. I’m looking forward to watching your documentary tonight.”

Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile airs Tuesday on ITV at 9pm.

If you have been affected by this story, you can find support at https://rapecrisis.org.uk/ or call 0808 802 9999

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